# # Columns to use: 1-6, Absolute values # Color scheme: Blue-Gray-Orange with cutoff=5000 # # This transcriptomics dataset was obtained from von Wulffen et al Genes 8:3 2017 # "Rapid Sampling of Escherichia coli After Changing Oxygen Conditions Reveals Transcriptional Dynamics" # This file was created by averaging the replicates in GSE71562, then normalizing # using the TPM (Transcripts per Kilobase Million) approach. Genes that had zero counts in # more than 15% of the samples were removed from further analysis. # # T0: Samples taken under anaerobic conditions, then aeration with O2 begins. # T0.5: Samples taken at 0.5 minutes after aeration begins # T1: Samples taken at 1 minute after aeration begins # T2: Samples taken at 2 minutes after aeration begins # T5: Samples taken at 5 minutes after aeration begins # T10: Samples taken at 10 minutes after aeration begins # $Table=multi-omics-file1-example.txt $Column=1-5 $Type=Gene $Target=Edge-Color $Counts=Absolute $NumColumns=1 $DatasetLabel=Gene Layer $Table=multi-omics-file2-example.txt $Column=1-5 $Type=Compound $Target=Node-Color $Counts=Absolute $NumColumns=1 $DatasetLabel=Comp Layer