Comparative Analysis and Statistics Among Organisms
This page allows you to compute statistics for a single Pathway/Genome Database, and to compute comparisons across multiple Pathway/Genome Databases for the set of organisms selected below. Computing comparisons may take several minutes. For faster operation, install Pathway Tools on your own computer -- click here for details.Click here to go to the Webinar page, where you can watch the Comparative Genomics instructional video.
Alternatively, for a graphical, hierarchical, system-level comparison of the metabolic and non-metabolic capabilities of a set of organisms, try the Comparative Genome Dashboard.
Note: In addition to reflecting differences in biology of different organisms, these statistics will reflect differences in the levels of curation, accuracy, and completeness of the PGDBs for these organisms.
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Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.0 (software by SRI International) on Tue Sep 10, 2024, BIOCYC15A.
EcoCyc version 28.1.