Comparative Analysis and Statistics Among Organisms

This page allows you to compute statistics for a single Pathway/Genome Database, and to compute comparisons across multiple Pathway/Genome Databases for the set of organisms selected below. Computing comparisons may take several minutes. For faster operation, install Pathway Tools on your own computer -- click here for details.

Click here to go to the Webinar page, where you can watch the Comparative Genomics instructional video.

Alternatively, for a graphical, hierarchical, system-level comparison of the metabolic and non-metabolic capabilities of a set of organisms, try the Comparative Genome Dashboard.

Note: In addition to reflecting differences in biology of different organisms, these statistics will reflect differences in the levels of curation, accuracy, and completeness of the PGDBs for these organisms.

Select which set(s) of comparative-analysis tables you wish to generate:

  • : breakdown by principal data types.
  • : breakdowns by type of substrate, by EC Number, by number of isozymes, etc.
  • : breakdown by pathway class, information on pathway holes.
  • : small molecules that act as substrates, enzyme activators/inhibitors/cofactors.
  • : breakdown of genes by product type, ontology, annotations; breakdown of protein complexes by type and number of subunits, number of enzymes, number of enzymes with activators/inhibitors/cofactors, multifunctional enzymes.
  • : proteins shared among organisms or unique to an organism.
  • : proteins that facilitate the movement of compounds across cell membranes.
  • : number of genes per transcription unit, number of operons per pathway, summary statistics related to regulation.

Select one or more organism databases:

Current selections:

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Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.0 (software by SRI International) on Tue Sep 10, 2024, BIOCYC15A.
EcoCyc version 28.1.